Sunday, September 7, 2008

Exciting vs Important

I love my job. Actually I should make that plural. I love my jobs.

I run a few different businesses and projects to which I allot varying degrees of attention depending on my mood, enthusiasm, circumstances and the schedule of the various partners I work with on those projects.

Over the years I have slowly begun to focus on the ones that make me happiest and now I can say that I really have 2 main businesses. One involves my work in the studio as a producer, engineer, session musician, consultant or manager. The other is my work as an artist wherein I create more, this includes my band

The band is the project I usually feel the most passion for. I love writing, performing, working on new weird ideas for videos and whatever else we come up with. At the moment it's more like a hobby with potential than it is a job.

There are numerous elements of both businesses that are really fun. But then there are a few elements that have to be done, but which are just plain drudgery.
  • Booking shows
  • Website design and updating
  • Remembering to send regular promotion emails
  • Preparing for a release and planning the promotional elements of distribution
  • Preparing taxes and keeping the books straight
These are just a few off the top of my head.
I know that the rage these days is to outsource everything, but the problem with outsourcing is that you have to find someone, tell them how to do what needs doing and then make sure that they do it well. By the time you outsource, you could do it just as well yourself. And as long as you don't procrastinate, you'll do it more quickly.

It is possible to hire people to do these things well. And if you can afford it, that's great. But the problem I keep coming back to is, "where do i find these people?"

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